Monday, January 7, 2008

It's okay, he played in Boston too...

This makes me feel better about life...

For those of you who haven't heard, Jose's plans for his second book, "Vindicated" have hit a snag. Don Yaeger, who was supposed to collabora....err... help Jose spell big words like "it" and "the," has dropped out of the project. Apparently Jose presented him with the material for the book and there is very little substance to it. Even more significantly, very very little concerning Arod:

"I had a chance to review the Jose Canseco [material] that he provided me. I don't think there's a book there. I don't know what they're going to do. I don't think he's got what he claims to have, certainly doesn't have what he claims to have on A-Rod. There's no meat on the bones."

More to brighten your day...

This too....

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